Baby Massage

Baby Massage

Infant massage helps alleviate the stress that new-borns experience as a result of the enormous change that birth brings about in their lives. Both premature infants and full-term babies can benefit from the relaxation that comes from massaging and moving their limbs and muscles. In infants with colic, massage helps provides the relief necessary to disperse gas, ease muscle spasm, tone the digestive system and help it work efficiently. Some techniques may even help bring relief from teething and emotional stress. The stimulation an infant receives from massage can aid circulation, strengthen muscles, help digestion, and relieve constipation. The bonding that occurs with massage between a parent or carer and child enhances the entire process of bonding that comes with contact through all of the senses, including touch, voice, and sight. It affords a physical experience of quality time between the parents and the child as well as with any significant others in a baby's life.
Baby Massage can be taught in group or one to one sessions.